Costillas, or ribs, are a beloved dish in Mexican cuisine, celebrated for its rich flavors and versatility. While ribs are enjoyed in many cultures around the world, Mexican costillas have distinct characteristics influenced by local ingredients, cooking methods and regional variations. Costillas can be grilled, braised, baked or slow cooked, depending on the desired flavor and texture. The ribs are often finished by reducing the sauce to a thicker consistency, coating the ribs in a rich glaze.
What will you need?
- Boone-in pork ribs
- salt
- water
- garlic
- bay leaf
- tomatillos
- jalapeño
- onion
- Chile de arbol
- cilantro
How to make costillas
The costillas in this recipe will be stewed in a tangy delicious salsa verde. Pair this dish with a side of refried beans, rice, and fresh tortillas. It is hearty, flavorful, and easy to make.
Start by seasoning all sides of the ribs and adding them to a large pan with some water, garlic, and bay leaf. Cover and let simmer until all the water evaporates and the meat is nice and tender.
While the ribs are simmering, make the salsa verde. Add some tomatillos, jalapeño, and onion to a dry pan and cook until charred. The toast up some chiles de arbor. We toast these last because they burn quick and if they burn, they become bitter. Add everything to a blender with some garlic, water, cilantro, and salt. Blend until smooth.

Once all the water from the ribs has evaporated, continue cooking the ribs until they get a nice sear. There should be rendered fat left in the pan once the water has evaporated, and that is what will give the ribs a good sear.
Once seared, pour in the salsa verde and let stew for a while. Taste for salt.
Serve your costillas on a plate with refried beans, rice, cilantro, and tortillas.